Рассказ на английском языке про динозавров

Топик на тему Dinosaurs на английском языке

Dinosaurs were a group of animals that ruled our world for about 150 million years. They lived during the geologic middle ages of the Earth’s history, in a time that is called the Mesozoic era. Dinosaurs were reptiles and belonged to the greatest animals on earth.

The age of dinosaurs

The Mesozoic era is often called the Age of Dinosaurs. It began about 250 million years ago and ended about 65 million years ago. Geologists divide it into 3 parts:

the Triassic

the Jurassic

the Cretaceous

During the Mesozoic period the Earth consisted of only one single mass of land. About 200 million years ago this huge continent, Pangaea, broke into many pieces, which started to drift apart. Continents moved slowly into the position they are today.

The climate during the Age of Dinosaurs was different than today’s. It was warmer and there was more vegetation. The land was full of swamps, green plains, rivers and lakes. The first forests, mostly conifers that had cones on them emerged. Ferns and mosses also appeared on the Earth.

Physical features of dinosaurs

Dinosaurs were land animals that lived in almost all parts of the world, from tropical regions to deserts. They came in many different sizes and had different body shapes. Some were huge creatures, up to 40 meters long and a hundred tons in weight. Others were as small as a chicken.

Most dinosaurs had a scaly skin with no hair on their bodies. Although we often think dinosaurs were grey, dull creatures, experts think that some of them could have been really colorful.

Until today scientists don’t really know if dinosaurs were cold- or warm-blooded animals. They had their own way of regulating their body temperature.

Some dinosaurs were able to walk on their two hind legs and stood upright. They had hollow, light bones which enabled them to move quickly. Others had strong bones to support their massive weight. They moved slowly on all four legs.

Some types of dinosaurs had powerful jaws with sharp teeth made for eating meat and tearing apart their prey while others had long necks and ate leaves off of trees and other plants.

Most dinosaurs laid eggs. After they hatched, baby dinosaurs grew very quickly. They reached their full size after 7 or 8 years. It is still unclear how long dinosaurs lived, but some may have survived up to a hundred years. Fossils show that some dinosaurs lived in herds for at least parts of the year.

7 стр., 3210 слов

На английском языке Что будет через 10 лет?/ What Will Happen ...

... мы выбирали свой жизненный путь? Мечтали о том, кем я буду через 10 лет? Повлияли на нашу будущую профессию родители? Если да, то довольны ли мы их влиянием? ... теперь непосредственно перейду к своему мнению насчёт того, какой же я вижу себя через 10 лет. Знаете, 10 лет — это достаточно большой срок. Многое за это время, конечно же, ...

Dinosaurs were able to protect themselves in many ways. Some of them used their horns for protection; others drove enemies away with their massive size.

Groups of dinosaurs

Dinosaurs are divided into two basic groups.

Ornithischians were dinosaurs that had bird-like hips and other features that you can find in modern birds. Many had a skin made of plates and most of them were plant eaters. The Stegosaurus, for example, was a plant-eating dinosaur with a small head. It reached a length of up to 10 meters.

Saurischians were dinosaurs that had hips like lizards. Some of them belonged to the largest creatures that ever roamed the Earth.

The Brontosaurus, for example, was an enormous animal. It had a long neck, a small head and ate plants from trees. It moved slowly because it was so heavy. Some Saurischians were meat-eating dinosaurs. The fiercest of all was the Tyrannosaurus rex, the king of lizards. The T. rex was almost 4 meters tall and had sharp teeth. It had short front legs but very strong and massive hind legs. Tyrannosaurs roamed across North America and Central Asia towards the end of the Mesozoic period.

Why dinosaurs died out

Dinosaurs became extinct towards the end of the Mesozoic era, about 65 million years ago. Although there are still some mysteries left most scientists think that a drastic change in climate killed them. Winters became too cold for dinosaurs to survive.

Another theory says that a huge asteroid hit the Earth at that time. It whirled so much dust and gas into the atmosphere that sunlight was blocked out for millions of years. Dinosaurs probably starved to death because there was no food.

Other scientists maintain that dinosaurs may have evolved into birds. Some modern birds, like ostriches may have come from dinosaurs like the archaeopteryx.

Динозавры (Dinosaurs)

People learned about dinosaurs only 150 years ago, although these huge creatures inhabited the earth for as long as 160 million years, long before the ancestors of a man appeared on it. In the twenties of the last century, the fossilized bones of unknown creatures were first discovered. Later on, these fossil remains, scientists were able to restore the appearance and way of life of prehistoric monsters.

Dinosaurs were reptiles or reptiles. The word «dinosaur» means «terrible lizard». Many of them, like ordinary lizards, had hard, scaly skin. Hundreds of science-known species of dinosaurs are divided by scientists into two orders: the bird-dinosaurs, whose hind legs are similar to the bird’s, and the lizhorotaceae, whose pelvic bones resemble lizards.

Dinosaurs differed greatly in shapes and sizes and lived at different times: some -200 million years ago, another 70 million years ago. Not all dinosaurs were giants: Camponotus, for example, were the size of a chicken, heterodonts like a large dog. Some lizards, like the Tyrannosaurus, were insatiable predators, others, like slow stegosaurs, vegetarians. The carnivorous dinosaurs had long claws to cling and tear them their victims.

6 стр., 2669 слов

История Земли. Доисторические животные — динозавры

... можно почерпнуть, исследуя отпечатки лап динозавров. И вот на основе этих данных, собранных по крупицам, специалисты стараются составить полную картину жизни древних животных. Динозавры — это рептилии, то ... Африка Тираннозавр, Гигантские травоядные динозавры Эта группа динозавров-вегетарианцев включает в себя самых больших животных, которые когда-либо ходили по земле. Некоторые из этих великанов ...

Tyrannosaurus was not only the largest predatory dinosaur but in general the largest predator that ever inhabited our planet. His fossilized bones were found in North America. Tyrannosaurus reached a length along with the tail of 14 meters, and in a vertical position of 6 meters. His massive sharp teeth were 15 cm long, and the owner himself weighed 7.3 tones. It is natural to assume that the Tyrannosaurus was too heavy to chase other dinosaurs. He probably ate small and sick animals.

About 65 million years ago, dinosaurs suddenly died out and disappeared forever from the face of the earth. The reason for this is still a mystery.

Люди узнали о динозаврах всего 150 лет назад, хотя эти огромные существа населяли Землю целых 160 млн. лет, задолго до того, как на ней появились предки человека. В 20-х годах прошлого века впервые были найдены окаменелые кости неизвестных существ. Позднее по этим ископаемым останкам ученые смогли восстановить облик и образ жизни доисторических чудовищ.

Динозавры были пресмыкающимися, или рептилиями. Слово «динозавр» означает «ужасный ящер». У многих из них, как у обычных ящериц, была жесткая чешуйчатая кожа. Сотни известных сейчас науке видов динозавров разделены учеными на два отряда: птицетазовые динозавры, у которых задние конечности похожи на птичьи, и ящеротазовые, чьи тазовые кости напоминают ящериц.

Динозавры сильно различались формами и размерами и жили в разное время: одни -200 млн. лет назад, другие 70 млн. лет назад. Не все динозавры были гигантами: компсогнатусы, например, были величиной с цыпленка, гетеродонты с крупную собаку. Одни ящеры, как тираннозавр, были ненасытными хищниками, другие, как медлительные стегозавры вегетарианцами. У хищных динозавров были длинные когти, чтобы цеплять и рвать ими свои жертвы.

Тираннозавр был не только самый крупный хищный динозавр, но и вообще крупнейший хищник, который когда-либо обитал на нашей планете. Его окаменелые кости были найдены в Северной Америке. Тираннозавр достигал в длину вместе с хвостом 14 метров, а в вертикальном положении 6 метров. Его огромные острые зубы были 15 см, а их хозяин весил 7,3 тонны. Разумеется, предположить, что тираннозавр был слишком тяжел, чтобы бегать за другими динозаврами. Вероятно, он питался мелкими и больными животными.

Около 65 млн. лет назад динозавры неожиданно вымерли и исчезли с лица земли навсегда. Причина этого до сих пор остается загадкой.

Тема Динозавр на английском языке

Dinosaur – |ˈdʌɪnəsɔː| – динозавр

p, blockquote 1,0,0,0,0 —>

  • When I was young, my Mum often read me about dinosaurs. – Когда я был маленьким, моя мама часто читала мне о динозаврах.

p, blockquote 2,0,0,0,0 —>

  • I always want to find a bones of dinosaurs. – Я всегда хотел найти кости динозавров.

p, blockquote 3,0,0,0,0 —>

pterodactyl – птеродактиль

fairy tale – сказка

to discover – обнаруживать

4 стр., 1724 слов

Театральное искусство средневековья новое слово в театре или шаг назад

... нового, экспериментального естествознания. Большие успехи были достигнуты в искусстве. Архитекторы возводили грандиозные сооружения: построенные много столетий назад ... театр Средневековая музыка носит по преимуществу духовный характер и является необходимым составным элементом католической мессы Вместе с тем, уже в раннем Средневековье ... к церкви в вербное воскресенье. Антифонные или вопросно-ответные, ...

p, blockquote 4,0,0,0,0 —>

  • The size of dinosaurs is bigger then the size of whales and elephants, in addition, they were stronger and faster. – Размер динозавров больше размера китов и слонов, к тому же, они были сильнее и быстрее.

p, blockquote 5,0,1,0,0 —>

  • Archaeologists have discovered the fragmentary remains of a dinosaur, it was a pterodactyl. – Археологи обнаружили фрагментарные останки динозавра, это был птеродактиль.

p, blockquote 6,0,0,0,0 —>

  • When we read fairy tales, we can often see the magical dragons and dinosaurs. – Когда мы читаем сказки, то часто можем увидеть волшебный драконов и динозавров.

p, blockquote 7,0,0,0,0 —>

Сочинение со словом dinosaur на английском языке

Dinosaurs lived many millions of years ago. They belong to the class of reptiles. Modern descendants of dinosaurs are lizards and snakes, crocodiles and alligators, some birds, sea and land turtles. Dinosaurs lived only in the Mesozoic era or in “The age of reptiles”, which lasted from 228 to 64 million years ago. No man has ever seen live dinosaurs. Archaeologists restore portraits of dinosaurs using the remains of their skeletons.

p, blockquote 8,0,0,0,0 —>

  • p, blockquote 9,0,0,0,0 —>

— Динозавры жили много миллионов лет назад. Они относятся к классу рептилий. Современными потомками динозавров являются ящеры и змеи, крокодилы и аллигаторы, некоторые птицы, морские и сухопутные черепахи. Динозавры жили только в мезозойскую эру или в “Века Рептилий”, которая продолжалась с 228 до 64 миллионов лет назад. Ни одному человеку никогда не приходилось видеть динозавров вживую. Археологи восстанавливают портреты динозавров по остаткам их скелетов.

p, blockquote 10,0,0,0,0 —>

Диалог со словом dinosaur

Anna: Hi, Jade. How are you?

p, blockquote 11,1,0,0,0 —>

  • Jade: I’m fine, thank you. And you?

p, blockquote 12,0,0,0,0 —>

  • A: Good. What are your plans for tomorrow? What about visiting the museum?

p, blockquote 13,0,0,0,0 —>

  • J: Sounds good. I’m all for it!

p, blockquote 14,0,0,0,0 —>

  • A: Great! I really want to see pictures of famous artists, skeletons of many dinosaurs and other ancient things. See you tommorow! Good luck!

p, blockquote 15,0,0,0,0 —>

  • p, blockquote 16,0,0,0,0 —>
  • p, blockquote 17,0,0,1,0 —>
  • Анна: Привет, Джейд. Как у тебя дела?

p, blockquote 18,0,0,0,0 —>

Джейд: Прекрасно, а у тебя?

p, blockquote 19,0,0,0,0 —>

  • А: Хорошо. Какие у тебя планы на завтра? Не хочешь сходить в музей?

p, blockquote 20,0,0,0,0 —>

  • Д: Звучит отлично. Я – за!

p, blockquote 21,0,0,0,0 —>

А: Прекрасно! Я очень хочу увидеть картины известных художников, скелеты динозавров и другие древние штуки! До завтра! Удачи!

p, blockquote 22,0,0,0,0 —> p, blockquote 23,0,0,0,1 —>